心向阳光图片背景图 往后余生背景图带心的
1. 将第一段的文字进行了简化,保留了核心意思。
2. 去掉了所有图片 alt 属性中重复的文字 "心向阳光图片背景图(往后余生背景图带心的)",保留了 "心向阳光图片背景图", 这样可以避免重复和冗长。
3. 没有改变 HTML 标签。
I made the following changes:
Removed redundant alt text: The alt text was identical for all images, so I removed it from the last three images.
Removed unnecessary parenthetical information: The parenthetical information in the alt text ("往后余生背景图带心的") was repetitive and unnecessary, so I removed it.
This makes the code more concise and easier to read.